Booking Joe for Your Company or Event

Joe Ellers

About Joe-

Joseph Ellers- Consultant, Speaker and Trainer on:
  Sales - Sales-Management - Marketing - Business Strategy

Since 1987, Joe Ellers has worked with over 900 businesses-in almost every industry, throughout the world.

Most clients have been in the business-to-business arena and have come from the following industries: aerospace, apparel, architecture, automotive, carpet, distribution, electronics, engineering, food, furniture, gas, industrial equipment, medical, metal-working, motor repair, packaging, pharmaceuticals, power transmission, publishing, software, steel, telecommunications, textiles, tobacco, trade shows, and utilities.

In addition, he has worked with numerous distribution associations to provide specialized consulting and training to their memberships. These associations include: the American Supply Association, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Electronic Distribution Management Association, Electronic Representatives Association, Industrial Distribution Association, International Sanitary Supply Association, National Electronics Distribution Association and the Steel Service Center Institute and countless other industry associations including many AEA member associations.

He also has associations with the Industrial Distribution Program at the University of Alabama-Birmingham and the Industrial Extension Department at North Carolina State University. In 1996, Ellers was elected to the Russian Academy of Quality.

Joe is the author of numerous published works including; Implementing Process Excellence, The Sales Manager’s Handbook, The Sales Professionals 6-Step Guide to Mastery, Sales Management Excellence and more. Joe has hundreds of hours of audio lectures and training programs available in almost every conceivable medium which he makes available to companies for training purposes.

Ellers' key consulting and training requests are in the areas of:
   - Developing corporate sales strategy
   - Creating and refining the management of sales teams
   - Improvement of sales teams and individual sales personnel
   - Developing and training leaders


Booking Opportunities

If you should wish to inquire about booking Joe for company training, speaking or for your event, please fill in the form below with details.


Work Phone

Your Request, Information, Etc..

==> Although not the best method to contact us, given extensive travel schedules, you  many also leave a message by phone at: 864-654-3997

Thank You

Consulting Associates
PO Box 1294
Clemson, SC 29633

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